eBaoTech held the first GeneralSystem and GeneralClaim Customer Advisory Board meeting

June 18, 2008

The first eBaoTech GeneralSystem (GS) and GeneralClaim (GC) Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting was held in eBaoTech’s global headquarters in Shanghai on June12-13, 2008. Chubb Group and Fortis Group participated with a senior management team. On eBaoTech side were CEO Woody Mo, Senior Vice President Andy Wang, GM of Product Center Jason Lin, Member of the eBaoTech Europe Executive Board Guido Meyerhans, and all the GS and GC product management and development heads. The eBaoTech product management team presented GS and GC product strategies, roadmaps, key features and main challenges/issues the team is facing. Customers provided very valuable insights of the industry trend, insurance company IT solution and business operation alignments, and candid feedbacks and comments to the main topics raised for discussion.

Both the eBao team and customers were very positive about the CAB meeting and how it was run. It gave eBaoTech product management team a lot of valuable inputs and suggestions to better shape our products and roadmaps. eBaoTech team will form a few operation tracks to follow up with customers in depth regarding the important product issues/topics identified during the CAB meeting. It was also agreed that we shall have regular CAB meetings every 4-6 months to monitor the overall progress.


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