ACE Life implementa eBaoTech LifeSystem en la recientemente establecida oficina regional para Medio Oriente y África

September 3, 2007

ACE Life has implemented eBaoTech LifeSystem V3 in the newly established Regional Office for Middle East & Africa Region which is located in the United Arab Emirates. ACE Life Middle East & Africa provides life insurance protection, investment and savings products to individuals and corporations and is part of ACE Group of Companies one of the world’s leading global commercial property, casualty and life insurance and reinsurance organization with 10,000 employees worldwide in offices in 50 countries and authority to do business in over 90 others. The system implementation has been completed within 4 months for UAE. The Plan is for rolling out the system this year to ACE Life Operation in Egypt and to other countries supporting ACE Life expansion strategy in the Region.


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